Meals had become a nightmare for our 15-month-old son. 1st manipulation Tuesday: jaw blocked Since niquel, he eats without screaming 👍 Strongly the next manipulationLudivine L.
Thank you again for all the good you do to our children. Saw you yesterday evening at 7:30 pm with a team of wonderful young men, patient and incredibly kind. My son loved getting manipulated he did not move during the session. Despite the tiredness afer a busy weekend for Dr. Larcher's team, they all smiled and took the time to respond to our concerns as parents in need. Gabriel slept very well ; not once did he wake up, the most beautiful reward.. 😍😘Benjamine B.
For my son 1st session yesterday at 14:45, confirmation of the syndrome. My 4 year old son slept like a baby, not once did he wake up ; this has not happened for the last 2 years. 😍😍 We keep our fingers crossed now and hope that his hyperactivity improve ...Anaïs L.
What memories come back !!! The relief you feel when you see them straight. It looks like nothing and yet ... I remember for my son, I was constantly watching his posture, for fear of seeing the comma. And happiness every time to see it right. Now I am used to it, it has become normal but at first it was so amazing to see it right !!!!Agnès B.
Testimony of Melissa, mother of Cléa & Ethan
Hello all.
Today I propose a little recap photos of my children before and after the treatment of kiss syndrome, hoping he can help other parents, also give them courage as to a possible recovery of their children.
Cléa was treated at the dawn of her 1 years 1 years ago and had a moderate kiss, she will be 2 years old on October 24, Ethan was treated at the dawn of her 1 month, he had a severe kiss with a blockage of the bilateral sacrum, he had 2 months this October 10th. His last session is scheduled for early November.
Many thanks to Dr. Larcher and his entire team, but especially to Dr. Larcher, Jonathan Larcher and Patrick Marie Olive, the first 3 people I met, who confirmed and named my doubts, answered my questions, who have always listened with the benevolence and non-judgment, without ever taking me for a madwoman who invents things about her daughter, as I could hear it, and gave self confidence to me and especially to daughter, my mom, and my son.
Before / After Cléa

Before / After Ethan

Testimony of Olivia, mother of Eleanor
Eleanor, 5 months old on September 15th had her last manipulation on September 8th.
I just wanted to thank you .... from the bottom of my heart. You saved our life.
Just a few facts : my daughter hd s been treated at barely 2 months , in emergency ... she had been hospitalized 1 week in Nice, no results .... she lost a lot of weight because she was simply no longer feeding. On Saturday I forced my daughter out of the hospital .... Sunday 9 am I had a meeting with Dr. L.
Dr. L andhis two extraordinary osteopaths welcomed me with extraordinary kindness. Finally people who did not take me for a crazy and put a word on what my daughter had.
10 minutes after my handling Eleanor was rearranging her baby bottles .... finally turned her head to the right ..... and began to take naps the next day. She turned back - belly .... and especially the incessant screams stopped dead. My daughter started to smile ....
And the best? She put on 800 grams in just 3 weeks!
Second manipulation ... everything was ok. Some tensions but nothing serious. Third manip, cervical ok, blocked sacrum .... doctor L unblocks .... the next day my daughter is back
belly miracle! That day Mr. Longuet was the ... a great team and listening .... as usual !! A real pleasure to come. My daughter is cured! Relief !
So thanks. Thanks for all you've done. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being so kind as you hear children screaming nonstop .... Thank you for continuing. Thank you simply.
Do not listen to gossip, malicious people, criticism that makes no sense. Focus on us, all your successes. Stay on course are saving families.
Olivia M.
Testimony of Charlotte, mother of Pauline
Hello everyone,
Here is our story:
Pauline was born on August 25, 2017, she will be a little baby like her big sister Finally I get triggered because there is not enough room. ItHer birth happened very quickly 30 minutes after the loss of water and the beginning of contractions hereshe is. It is a chip of 2kg810. She cries a lot. It was too fast.
The next day we discoverher s left foot turned inward sand then her head ... She leans to the right. He'll need physio. But Pauline cries all the time. When she was about 3 weeks, she was discovered to be intolerant to PVL and an internal reflux, so pepti junior and inexium. But Pauline is still crying. We start the sessions of physio, then the osteo but nothing changes she screams after each bottle, yet she wants to eat but it always endsup badly.
The pediatrician puts her under milk rice AR but it's always the same Pauline still crying as much, do not sleep much or not, burps all day twists and so on.
The more time passes and the harder it is. At night she wakes up every hour crying and putting her head back completely .... we are tired, depressed and alone. The words of the pediatrician are: well, I do not know what to say to you. And then one day I have an appointment with a wise woman to whom I speak of Pauline's problems. She tells me I think of something but I prefer to see her ... so I take Paul and she tells me "it's what I thought ..." make a folder for the kiss syndromes, someone a nurse, but you have to go to Paris. I make the file home and we are waiting for an answer ... meanwhile I take Pauline to a chiropractor with whom she will have 10 sessions but no great result .. then comes this phone call, I still have tears in my eyes .. Pauline will be treated for her 6 months the first time by Dr. Serge Larcher and his colleagues that we do not forget ... I will always remember his colleague taking the phone to bring him by telling him there is a
"margaux castle" for you ... Yes Pauline is a great vintage lol! ... what a relie
The last session took place on May 3, 2018 .. In the weeks that followed she did 4 legs, sat properly, began to babble and 2 teeth appeared ;;Now Pauline is 13 months old. She sleeps better, she does not scream anymore, the kiss is behind us. The GERD is still a little present and her foot is still twisted (she will also have to wear a cast for 1 month to try to straighten it because she cannot walk ...) but despite that we have, thanks to the doctor, found a real little girl with a devastating smile and full of mischief.
Many thanks to him and his team.
I have to make an appointment for the follow up in a few months but I do not know how to do it. .
Thank you for reading me ... to you , moms and daddies, courage, trust yourself, , do not let anyone tell you that you are crazy, not even doctors!